One day, out of the blue, Alexis came up to me and said "Mom, the Disney channel just showed a five year old girl ice skating!" "That's really cool" I said back. She then continued the conversation by asking if I could take her ice skating the next day. I followed with a long "UUUUHHHHHMMMMMM..." all the while thinking "I haven't been ice skating since freshman year of college. What if I get hurt? Who will take care of the kids? What will I do with Jake? I gained a bazillion lbs since my last skating venture...can fat people skate?" Then it came to me. I had the greatest answer. I was so excited about it. I said "You know who would be fun to go skating with? AUNT SARAH! I delivered my idea like there was no other option, no one better to go with. Huge smile plastered on my face, eyes so wide I probablly came off as slightly crazy.
Alexis took this idea and ran with it. She immediately got on the phone and called Auntie Sarah to take her on this adventure. Luckily Aunt Sarah had the day off due to MLK Jr. Day. So my sister came to pick her up later that afternoon.
I did not go as the skating rink is outside and I deemed it too cold to take Jake out. I did get a good report however, that my little ice princess had a hard time the first lap-taking almost 45 minutes to complete a full lap, but got the hang of it during the second.
Here are a few snap shots showing off her talent!