One year ago Gene, Alexis, and I were surprised by the early arrival of our handsome little Jacob. His entrance into the world was slightly traumatic, yet amazing. He has melted my heart since our first face to face meeting. He and Alexis are practically inseparable. He adores Gene, and Gene in return adores him. There isn't much that this amazing little man does that doesn't put a smile on our faces. People stop us in the store to tell us how adorable he is. He smiles at most people in passing, giving those that pay extra homage a few babbling Jacob phrases.
Since Jake made his appearance last October not a day has gone by that he has not amazed us. He is independent, happy, easy going, energetic, loving, and has always loved to eat. In this last year we have watched his personality develop more and more. Today, he is understanding that Mom needs more cuddles than Dad. That sister is a playmate. That Dad is someone to joke with. He has learned to laugh, learned to tease, and is beginning to verbally communicate his wants. He thinks it is funny to pull hair and hit you in the nose. He isn't fond of sharing his toys. He pretends to be shy when we have visitors.
I could go on forever, but I am going to let his birthday party pictures do the rest of the talking.
Since Jake made his appearance last October not a day has gone by that he has not amazed us. He is independent, happy, easy going, energetic, loving, and has always loved to eat. In this last year we have watched his personality develop more and more. Today, he is understanding that Mom needs more cuddles than Dad. That sister is a playmate. That Dad is someone to joke with. He has learned to laugh, learned to tease, and is beginning to verbally communicate his wants. He thinks it is funny to pull hair and hit you in the nose. He isn't fond of sharing his toys. He pretends to be shy when we have visitors.
I could go on forever, but I am going to let his birthday party pictures do the rest of the talking.