My oh my, where has the time gone? One day Alexis is this tiny little person that loved to watch Nemo and snuggle her feet into your back while napping together. The next she is 6 going on 25 writing love letters to boys. I really cannot believe it.
Every Friday Alexis' teacher sends home all work the kids have done during the week including any notes or announcements from the school. This usually adds up to between 15-20 pieces of paper. Last Friday though there was one paper in particular that stood out. She grabbed it out of her bag with a quickness saying that it was in her bag on accident, that it was supposed to be in someone else's bag. After some persuasion she handed over the paper seen below.
Now, keep in mind that Grandpa was here dropping her off from a weekend of skiing. She handed me the paper looking me dead in the eye saying, "I think Alex wrote this." Being her mom and the one who sits to do homework with her every night I know her handwriting when I see it. This was definitely written by my daughter!
Needless to say this little note did not end up in the garbage can, but scanned into the computer and posted to the Internet where it will live for all time! Muhahaha. Okay, seriously, I am going to keep it and I have big plans of pulling it out sometime in the future while sitting down with her first serious boyfriend.
Thank you in advance Alexis, for giving me the tools to drive you crazy for years to come!