Wednesday, November 4, 2009

School Picture

I just wanted to put up Alexis' school picture. We just got them back today. She looks so grown up. Love you, Princess!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Last year Halloween kind of snuck up on us. Jake hadn't been around for too long and I hadn't quite healed enough to brave decorations and the pre-Halloween hype. Jacob was a preemie and most definitely not up to exploring the holiday.
This year though we have managed to get our decor up in full force and even managed to carve four pumpkins. The kids are going to have quiet the entourage following them in their trick-or-treating adventure. My parents were already out to celebrate my sisters birthday, which was the 30th, and stayed for the big event. Alexis dressed as Snow White and couldn't get from one house to the next fast enough. Jacob was dressed as a very pale Lofa Tatupu. They both got plenty of candy and had a lot of fun seeing the Halloween sights!
Now it is time to pack up the Halloween decorations and get ready for the snow. Hope you all had a safe and happy holiday!

The house!

Little Seahawk

Jacob sneaking into the candy early!

Snow White

Our Princess

Along the way we ran into the evil Step-Mother!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

One Year Ago Today...

One year ago Gene, Alexis, and I were surprised by the early arrival of our handsome little Jacob. His entrance into the world was slightly traumatic, yet amazing. He has melted my heart since our first face to face meeting. He and Alexis are practically inseparable. He adores Gene, and Gene in return adores him. There isn't much that this amazing little man does that doesn't put a smile on our faces. People stop us in the store to tell us how adorable he is. He smiles at most people in passing, giving those that pay extra homage a few babbling Jacob phrases.
Since Jake made his appearance last October not a day has gone by that he has not amazed us. He is independent, happy, easy going, energetic, loving, and has always loved to eat. In this last year we have watched his personality develop more and more. Today, he is understanding that Mom needs more cuddles than Dad. That sister is a playmate. That Dad is someone to joke with. He has learned to laugh, learned to tease, and is beginning to verbally communicate his wants. He thinks it is funny to pull hair and hit you in the nose. He isn't fond of sharing his toys. He pretends to be shy when we have visitors.
I could go on forever, but I am going to let his birthday party pictures do the rest of the talking.

Dino Costco Cake

Dump Truck

Lightening McQueen outfit

remote control airplane

most annoying toy ever

Grandma and Grandpa with the Birthday Boy

Cake in the nostril

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day of School, First Day of School

It is hard to believe that today marked Alexis' first day of school. The past five years have really flown by.
Our day started with her running into my room yelling "First day of school, first day of school! Mom, I can't wait first day of school!" It was only 7:50 in the morning and school doesn't start until 12:30, which left her plenty of time to ask "Is it time for school yet? How much longer until school?"
She continued her preparation process by eating a bowl of cereal and cinnamon toast. Then deciding on what to wear. She went through three outfits before she found "the best one for the first day". After choosing her outfit, which was a skirt/button up shirt/pink vest combo we debated for about ten minutes on how I should fix her hair. We finally agreed on two braids. Next came the shoes. The silver sandals or the black flats. "Definitely the black flats." Finally topped of the look with her new Tinker Belle backpack.
With the process we had for her first day I am really scared to see what is lying in store for the first day of Jr. High!
Trying to figure out what to have for breakfast

Choosing the outfit

The One

Hair and shoes in place

Finishing touch on any "First Day of School" outfit


"Let's go already"

"Awe Mom! Can we just go now?"

Found her cubby and her name tag

One of the newest Westview Wildcats

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A summer's worth of pictures.

I realize it has been just shy of three (or maybe closer to four-I am not really sure) months since I have been on here. That is how long my life has been in a sort of medical limbo. For a few weeks I wasn't sure how scared I needed to be, but now have been reassured by the docs that my condition is not life threatening. It is just changing my quality of life for now. As I have been experimenting with different medications trying to find the correct dose/doses to get everything back on track it has been hard for me to find the motivation to get up and write anything. The last three months have been recorded only sporadically with pictures. I cannot tell you enough how sad that makes me. I have had days where getting out of bed to care for my monkeys was the only feat I could manage that day. The last two days however, I have been feeling a little better and now that most of the housework has been done I am making time to finally post about the kids. Again, sorry for those of you who come here regularly and have found nothing new for 3 months. My life and mind have been other places. None the less, I am here now and ready to fill you in on all the happenings we have had, and there have been plenty.

Jake has most definitely furthered his independent personality over the last three months. He knows what he wants and really will stop at nothing to get it. He throws a fit if there is any barrier put in the way of him and the prize he has his eye on, which is usually dog food. Yes, we have come around the corner to a very quiet baby gumming down some kibble a few times. Thus a baby gate has been put up blocking off the kitchen. Oh! Let me back up. I forgot to tell you that our little preemie, Jacob, can now crawl. He crawls fast. He is also pulling himself up on things or just randomly standing up. He has just started letting go of the couch and attempting, but not completing a step. He has a whole bag of tricks he pulls out for us everyday. He can also pull his diaper off and likes to do it around the corner of the couch so he can hide for a bit before it is discovered he is bare bunned. He fights you the entire time you are in diaper change mode. Once the old one is off he is twisting and turning and bucking in all directions to try to break free of you before the new diaper is put on. He is happy all the time. As long as his belly is full and there are toys to play with there is a smile on his face. He loves the water. All forms. He screeches and laughs whenever a dog pays any sort of attention to him. He draws the attention of everyone in public. Sometimes for screaming, he likes to scream really loud for no reason. But other times it must just be his happy face that draws them in.

Alexis. Oh, Alexis. This summer I have come to believe that the very existence of the Earth depends on the noise that she makes. If she stopped making noise for one split second we would fall out of rotation and perish. She sings and dances all day, usually not paying attention to her surroundings, knocking things down-including her brother. She loves her brother by the way. They play peek-a-boo, hide and seek, and more recently tag. She gasps at every move he makes scared that he is going to get hurt. She sings to him and forces him to snuggle with her. She is a typical 5 year old in that when you give her one thing she is already asking for another. She has enough questions to get her through the 24 hour period. She wants to be a princess, and actor, a doctor, an artist, and a zoo keeper. She accessorizes every out fit she puts on, getting compliments everywhere we go. She loves lip stick. She loves going to the baseball games and mostly she loves Otto, the teams mascot. She loves to talk on the phone with anyone, call her and find out. She is all about play dates with her friends. She starts school on August 27th and she could not be more excited. Every day she asks, "How many more days before I start school?" I am going to be sad that she is knocking down another mile stone, but I think the quiet time might be nice. As always, though she is noisy and busy she is beautiful and every day I am thankful that she is here.

The pictures attached are in no particular order. They are just a collage of photos that we have taken over the summer. Again I am sorry that it is not more organized, but it is a miracle that I had enough time to get this done before one of the kids needed something! Take care :)

Alexis loves Otto, the Indians Mascot

Grandpa thinks Jake is too cold

Not diggin' the hat

Yay for the Indians Game!

Alexis showing off her batting skills

Daddy and the kiddos

New Indians hat

Alexis and G'ma walking the bases for the cure
This looks bad, but it was all staged

Our little red head


Alexis' first train ride

Lex driving the train near Canada

This is what the red eye light on the camera does to Jake

MMMM... Chocolate Pudding

America's next top model

The gate

Dancing Queen

Where you can usually find Jake

Trying to stand up

Getting into things as usual

Strike a pose


"He was trying to get into my room"

Best Buds