We are now at the point where the finish line is in sight. You know the spot on the track where you can totally see the end, but it is still just a little too far away to celebrate victory. Yeah, that's the one. I have washed and put away a million blue outfits, sadly I must admit that there are a couple Seahawks get ups in there, (we will have to come together and find some tiny Raider clothes so he can fit in during the Denison Christmas) and bedding. I have packed a "hospital bag", something I didn't have a chance to do while prego with Alexis. I am sure that I am going to have to go through and take some things out as I just keep thinking of things that need to go in there, soon it will look like my vacation suit case-Not good! I am not sure my belly can extend any further, it has surprised me thus far though. I have scheduled my appointments for the next month, something else that is new to me as I never made it to two weeks visits let alone once a week check ups. Basically I am as prepared right now as I am ever going to be. It is a little odd to be so organized. Then my water will break or it will come to the moment where it is time for me to leave and I will go into panic mode and forget everything I have been planning and thinking of the past couple weeks. That tends to be how I roll.

Alexis is enjoying her dance class, whether I like her teacher or not and will be going to her fourth class for 2008 already. She has shown a lot of progression from last year to this one. It definetly makes me feel proud to watch her accomplish and master dance steps. Her realization of doing a step right shows on her face and she runs out of the class asking if I saw her. She is going to be a starlett, I can tell.
Okay that was my update, hope it was informative and satisfied all of you who wanted to know.
p.s I have a wicked chest cold, so any extra feel good vibes you could send my way would much appreciated. I really want to shake this thing so I can kiss my baby boy when he arrives! Thanks
p.s I have a wicked chest cold, so any extra feel good vibes you could send my way would much appreciated. I really want to shake this thing so I can kiss my baby boy when he arrives! Thanks
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