This blog normally would be accompanied by some pictures that would prove my words, but I decided to do a little science experiment with our camera last Monday. What happened was this; The kids and I hitched a ride to Couerd'elene with my cousin to take the holiday cruise. In the midst of almost missing the boat because we could not find the ticket counter, caring the stroller up to the top deck, getting Alexis the bag of chips she had to have, feeding Jake while keeping him warm, and trying to answer my cell phone because Gene was calling I shoved our camera into the pocket of my fleece sweater. I hastily sat down out of breath and a little stressed out when I heard "kerplunk" from the water below. With out even looking I knew it was our brand new camera that I put into my pocket instead of putting into the open diaper bag 5 inches in front of me. So, until we get a new one you will have to use your imaginations.
Jacob is mowing down the milestones and the numbers on the scale. He weighed in at a hefty 8lbs 7oz about a week ago and I have a really good feeling he will be in the double digits on Wednesday during his two month check up. His personality is beginning to peak through as his smile makes more appearances. He is really attempting to laugh but as of right now it just sounds like an out of breath gasp, if you can imagine that. Either way I think he is handsome and I love his undeveloped laugh. He also has discovered rattles and toys that light up or play music when he hits them. He is going to be a handful, I can tell.
Alexis is doing great with spreeschool, as she calls it. She loves her teacher and her "special friend" (the high school student assigned to help her for the day). Her list of friends and best friends is developing and I am pretty sure she has more friends than I do now. She is smart and it is getting hard to hide things from her. She is uber excited about Christmas and Santa. It is fun now that she is at the age that I can tell her that Santa is watching, and she believes and understands me. Can you believe that she is almost 5?!
As for Gene and I, we are doing well. Gene is working a lot, which means that he is gone a lot. Such is the life of a railroader. I am starting to get a little more sleep and develop a schedule to run the house on. All in all things are good in the Young household!
Stay tuned!

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Why didn't I think of this sooner?
Last night I have to admit that I was at my breaking point. You see Jacob has been working out his crying muscles quite a bit these last few days and for some strange reason he always decides to exercise these muscles right when I want to do something for myself. Anyway, yesterday I was jonesing for a shower and every time I got the little monkey to sleep he would wake up and start wailing.
On top of his crankiness Alexis was lying in bed yelling out at random intervals"I'm not tired. I can't sleep, Mom, I just want to get up and be with you guys." Did I mention I was at my whits end? Okay so I was over Jacob's crying, over Alexis and her whining, and really wanting a hot relaxing shower. After a couple minutes of slight chaos I decided to mix the two together and see what would happen.
I picked up Jacob and carried him to Alexis' room, flipped the light on and grabbed "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" one of her favorite books. My thinking here was that this has been Alexis' favorite book for all time, leading to her memorization of said book. I plopped Jake down on the bed and simply told Lex to read to him.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Dancing Princess
These pictures are here not because I think any one on here will find them particularly interesting, but because they mean a lot to me. As a little girl one of the best memories I have is standing on my dad's feet and dancing through the house. While we were visiting my parents last week I turned the corner to find my dad and Alexis doing the same thing. We were packing up our many bags that we require to leave the house, thanks to Jacob, and I just happened to have the camera in my hand. While taking the picture I had the ultimate epiphany: I am a lucky person. Lucky in that I have the best parents in the world and now my children have the best grandparents in the world. It is fun for me to see the way my parents, especially my dad, interact with them.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Seven Pounder
Jake is two days shy from being a month old and he has officially reached seven pounds! At our last check up I plopped him onto the scale was so happy/surprised to see the number seven holding the first digit. He has exceeded his birth weight, which is something we weren't sure he would be able to do in the first month.

Jacob has proved to be a strong little man since birth. So far he has battled a breach birth, dehydration, weight loss, jaundice and is now on the defence against a nasty little cold. We are keeping a close eye on him but so far he seems to be handling it well. He is a brave little monkey.
Alexis too had to fight the cold and is now in the final days and doing well. She loves school. Every time we are out and about she sees a person her size and swears they are from her school. There have been a few instances where she has wondered up to talk to a little girl or boy and discovered that yet again, it was not someone that she went to school with. Gene and I find ourselves telling her more than a few times each outing "They are not from your school. You think everyone goes to your school." She is a character.

She is also growing like a weed. Last month we looked at her and saw a little girl, now we look at her and are amazed at how big she has gotten. She has the memory of an elephant (they have great memories) and can count to 100 and sing her ABC's. She insists that she knows karate and that she will one day be a ballerina, a zoo keeper, a teacher, an artist, and a magician all at once when she grows up. I hope that she always dreams that big. She is a special girl.
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