Jake is two days shy from being a month old and he has officially reached seven pounds! At our last check up I plopped him onto the scale was so happy/surprised to see the number seven holding the first digit. He has exceeded his birth weight, which is something we weren't sure he would be able to do in the first month.

Jacob has proved to be a strong little man since birth. So far he has battled a breach birth, dehydration, weight loss, jaundice and is now on the defence against a nasty little cold. We are keeping a close eye on him but so far he seems to be handling it well. He is a brave little monkey.
Alexis too had to fight the cold and is now in the final days and doing well. She loves school. Every time we are out and about she sees a person her size and swears they are from her school. There have been a few instances where she has wondered up to talk to a little girl or boy and discovered that yet again, it was not someone that she went to school with. Gene and I find ourselves telling her more than a few times each outing "They are not from your school. You think everyone goes to your school." She is a character.

She is also growing like a weed. Last month we looked at her and saw a little girl, now we look at her and are amazed at how big she has gotten. She has the memory of an elephant (they have great memories) and can count to 100 and sing her ABC's. She insists that she knows karate and that she will one day be a ballerina, a zoo keeper, a teacher, an artist, and a magician all at once when she grows up. I hope that she always dreams that big. She is a special girl.
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