Our day started with her running into my room yelling "First day of school, first day of school! Mom, I can't wait first day of school!" It was only 7:50 in the morning and school doesn't start until 12:30, which left her plenty of time to ask "Is it time for school yet? How much longer until school?"
She continued her preparation process by eating a bowl of cereal and cinnamon toast. Then deciding on what to wear. She went through three outfits before she found "the best one for the first day". After choosing her outfit, which was a skirt/button up shirt/pink vest combo we debated for about ten minutes on how I should fix her hair. We finally agreed on two braids. Next came the shoes. The silver sandals or the black flats. "Definitely the black flats." Finally topped of the look with her new Tinker Belle backpack.
With the process we had for her first day I am really scared to see what is lying in store for the first day of Jr. High!
Found her cubby and her name tag
Holy wow, I can't believe she is in school now! And the outfit, what a cutie. She looks like five going on fifteen, but then I suppose you already knew that:)
Does she do overseas fashion consulting? Watch out teacher, she has the intellectual spunk of her mother and that brings tons of tough questions. Looking forward to hearing how the first months have gone!
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