Yup, that is what I said. Four months already. We took him for his well baby check, which he passed with flying colors. He is staying on the 5% curve, which means according to the rest of the nation he is a very small guy, but to us he seems ginormous. He tipped the scales at 11lbs 11ozs. When talking about how much and how often our mister is eating Doc laughed and nicknamed him Jake "The Barracuda".
Gramma dishing up some carrots
The great thing about hitting this four month mile stone is that we are now able to feed him baby food and rice cereal. Now, most babies, when introduced to rice cereal make a face then sort of spit it out. Not our barracuda, he went at it like it was best meal in the world. Because he did so well with the cereal we brought in carrots the following day. The only problem is that you literally cannot get the food to his mouth fast enough to keep him content.

There are tears in his eyes but I assure you it was because I could not get it into his mouth at a pace that he agreed with, not because he didn't enjoy the meal!
He is our little man and we love him!

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