Alexis celebrated her 5th birthday last week! That's right, she is already 5. I really have no idea where all the time has gone.
Bryan and Nicole were trying to match Alexis' silly faces
The most "regular" face Alexis has made in a picture isn SOOO long
Our big little man just hanging out
"Oh Good! A singing Barbi"
The Vanity

Alexis(squared) doing the Chicken dance
Braden was too cool for school

Time so sing Happy Birthday
Alexis was really into the singing
Airplane time

The celebration started off with my good friends, Bryan and Nicole, coming to visit her. While they were here went to Chuck E. Cheese for the after noon, then came home to celebrate with a confetti cake, and open a few presents.

The following Saturday she and three of her school friends had a little party at Teddy Bear Junction (think Build-a-Bear) in the mall. My family was there and Rhonda and Tom drove over from Seattle. Everyone got to pick out and make an animal and sing and dance. The party wrapped up with an ice cream cake from Maggie Moo's.


Time so sing Happy Birthday

She made out in the gift department this year. She got enough books to last us for bedtime for a month or so, gift cards and money, clothes, blankets, jewelery, purses, Barbies, and activity books!
To wrap up the event I took a Costco cake to school with her where she got to give all her classmates a piece of cake and have everyone sing to her one last time for the year! Talk about Diva!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday to Alexis, incredible that she really is five! She has gotten big so fast!
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