Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winter Wonderland

I can't label this as the first snow, but it definitely is the first big snow storm that we have experienced this year or in any years previous. Downtown Spokane got a record of 26'' and in the north end of Spokane, where we live, there were measurements of 36''. I didn't go out front with a yard stick, but I can say that the unshoveled snow on our walk way was above my knees.

As you can imagine Alexis was going crazy waiting to go play. She is a snow freak. She would be out there all day if we let her. Unfortunately it is way to cold to be out there for long as the mercury here is topping off at around 10 degrees! Jake and I had to come in after a few minutes but Alexis and Dad worked on knocking the snow off the swing set and cleaning off the cars.

I have to admit that my image of Christmas would not be complete without snow but this is a little much.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

I can't believe how much snow you guys got this year! Not going to lie, glad we missed that one. Glad Alexis enjoyed it at least:)