I have never felt like time had gotten away from me more than I have felt this month. I had a good reality "smack" in the face while sitting in the pediatrician's office on the the tenth. I had to choke back an emotional moment when I had to say out loud, "We are here for Jacob's six month check". Are you kidding me? Six months already? Ugh. Where has all the time gone? When did my little booger become six months old? What happened to that under weight preemie I brought home from the hospital? What happened to that little baby boy I was struggling to feed? How did I get this boy that everyone in the Doc's office calls a Barracuda?
I think the fact that this is our last baby has a lot to do with the fact that that it feels like it went so fast. Or, maybe it is because unlike Alexis he has been a very calm and for the most part GREAT baby. Maybe it is because I am a little more laxed in my parenting than I was with Alexis. What ever it is, it sure has caused these past six months to fly by.
The office visit always starts with a strip down to the birthday suit for a weight check and length measurement. This doesn't ever pose a problem as the little monkey much prefers to be in the nude. The table length mirror also helps to increase his mood, as it gives him another little person to yell at. On this visit the moment he hit the scale is when things started to get fun.
The nurse sort of giggled under her breath, but didn't really go into much detail other than telling me that his weight was up to 14 lbs 3 ozs. Considering the way he came into this world with his low weight, any time there is a jump in numbers I am thrilled.
Next, comes the questions about his sleeping and feeding schedule/habits. To which I answer for ever two to three hours he is asleep he is up for about two to three. His feeding is a six ounce bottle every two to three hours with two feedings or rice or oatmeal mixed with a fruit or veggie. Another laugh, this time with an " He really enjoys his food, doesn't he". Don't get the wrong idea. This nurse is in no way being rude, she is just as thrilled as I am when I hear about the weight gain. The people at this office have been through the worst with Jake and I and are just as excited to see him healthy.
Then the doc comes in and reviews the chart. She reviews his past visit from his four month check and then goes back to today's page to look at the new measurements...some under the breath counting...a huge smile, some reading on the feeding habbits...and...a HYSTERICAL laugh. I mean Dr. Kim practically had tears coming out of her eyes. "Oh my gosh, this little Barracuda has gained a ton of weight. Look how much he eats! What a chubs! He looks amazing" ( I am telling you they are almost more happy than I am to get a good bill of health out of this man) Obviously Jake is no chub according to most baby measurements, but for as far as he has come he has surpassed all expectations on the growth front.
We left the docs office with a new appointment for his nine month check and big smiles on our faces.
In the past six months Jake has formed quite the personality. Here are a few things that I have learned so far:

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