Okay, Okay, I realize that I have severely fallen behind on keeping up with this the last month. Sorry. I guess life has just sorta gotten past me these past few weeks. I cannot really pin point what has taken up my time, just that it seems like I never have a free second. UGH! As they say, there is no time like the present, so if you could all forgive me then we can move on to what you came here to see!

Since I have last posted there really hasn't been too much change here. Jacob is doing amazing. He loves to stand (with help from us of course) and is just about ready to sit on his own. He is finally discovering that his body, though little, extends further than his fingers and mouth. He is becoming increasingly more interested in his toes and is now in the habit of rubbing his right ear when he falls asleep. He is so cute. He still is willing to hand out smiles that melt your heart. His laugh is wildly infectious. His cheeks are getting chubbier, his belly rounder, and his hair is getting thicker! Speaking of hair, it is becoming more apparent that he is going to be a pale skinned red head. This should make summer camping/boating more interesting. I don't know how to take care of someone this, well, white. Either way, I could not have asked for a more perfect boy.
Alexis is discovering her talent in growing plants and helping Dad in the garage. At school she planted a sunflower seed and has been watching it bloom ever since. Watching her face light up while she realized what was happening was indescribable. She is about all things green right now. A sure sign that Spring has come to Spokane is when the tulips start blooming. Our tulips are starting to leaf out and she goes out every morning to check them. I usually get an "Oh mom! You have to come see this. These flowers are growing more than you can imagine!" I love when she gets so excited that her whole face lights up and her eyes sparkle. With snow FINALLY gone she has been spending her days out on the swing until it is time to come in for bed. Gene is rebuilding a Suzuki Samurai and Alexis wants to be involved in every step. In the pictures she is painting a hard protective coating on the floor. She still amazes us with her learning abilities picking up things like how to read and tell time.

In closing, I just want to say that I really do intend to keep up on this blog better than I have in the last month, so don't give up on me, I will be better!
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