Hello all! I always hope that I can come to this blog and write about something that will grab your attention and be entertaining. Unfortunately, for you, today I have a cold and am not much in the mood for attention grabbing. However, you are in luck because the sky decided that it was our turn to have some sun which puts Alexis out side. While Jake is napping I thought it best to make good use of my time and update the goings on here in the last month.

Jacob still amazes us daily. He has discovered flexibility and his toes, not being able to enjoy one with out the other. He is a fan of tummy time and using his big head to steer him in his 360 rolls. A couple weeks into his seventh month and his personality is taking shape a little more each day. As always he loves to eat. He will try anything. Fruit, veggies, fingers, toys, his toes, keys, anything and everything that he can get his hands on. When he decides he is hungry he goes into hysterics that would give an outsider suspicions that we might be starving him. He doesn't just cry, he wails and arches his body as if he was in pain. Once the spoon or bottle hits his lips all is right and he can go on exploring while being fed. Yeah, you read that right. There is much too much to discover to stop for eating. This makes feeding him a game that requires great skill in hand eye coordination, something I do not have. He moves and lurches and lunges toward anything in his sight whether it is within his grasp or not. Once the food or formula is gone we have to quickly put away the bowl or bottle he was eating out of, if it is left to sit any more than ten minutes after the meal he will scream again demanding more to eat. He is not under fed, in fact I have been told that he eats more than an adequate amount of food, I suppose he just likes to eat.
He has begun to gibber jabber. Pretty much non stop. His favorite sounds right now are the da's, often sounding like dada. Or dadadadada. Either way, Gene swears that he is calling him.
He is still growing both taller and wider. I have taken advantage of the warm weather and cleaned out his drawers and stocked them with clothes we have been storing in the garage. He pretty much skipped past 3-6 month clothes and is now in 6-9 month and some 9-12! So much for the little preemie baby that didn't fit into anything.

Alexis. Oh, Alexis. I know that a few months ago I told you all that she turned five. But, I am pretty sure that I left out a digit. I am almost certain that I meant to say 15. She is mouthy, and whines and cries if she doesn't get her own way, which is most of the time. She is so independent that it is frustrating at times. She knows what she wants, how she wants it, and when you should be giving it to her. If it doesn't go in that order all hell breaks loose.

She takes a bone in the backyard and makes Blue follow her around before she gives it to him. She thinks it's the funniest thing in the world!
She has a love for all things centered around here. She talks. Non-stop. About anything and nothing. She talks to the point of utter insanity. I am sure she gets that from Gene. She is intelligent. She loves her brother more than anything. She is energetic and out going. She is scared of ALL bugs and goes into a screaming crying fit that only a five year old girl can produce when one comes any where close to her. She is creative. She is careful. She is beautiful.

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